Prashant Bhushan Asks Not To Take COVID Vaccine & Calls It More Harmful Than Virus, Gets Slammed
The situation of the coronavirus pandemic in India is now under control as the number of COVID-19 positive patients is decreasing day by day and majority of the Indian states have either lifted the lockdown or eased the restrictions to a great extent. There is no denying the fact that the second wave of the lethal virus hit the country pretty hard and it was more harmful than the first one.
The medical experts have made it clear that even if the cases are going down, people should not stop following the COVID-19 safety guidelines such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, etc. Moreover, the Indian government has been emphasizing heavily on the vaccination because it is the only way to save oneself from COVID-19. The government has been carrying on with a large scale drive to get people vaccinated and plans to have the whole nation vaccinated by the year end.
However, there are many people who are spreading misinformation about the vaccine and vaccination on the social media networks because of which people are getting doubtful about getting vaccinated.
Recently, the famous lawyer Prashant Bhushan took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and posted the screenshot of a news published in a newspaper with the caption, “No one from govt has come to visit us or order an enquiry into my wife’s d*ath. I still curse myself for persuading my wife to take the vaccine. I thought it would save us from the virus, but it k*lled her. The govt is not monitoring adverse events from vaccine nor releasing data”.
As per the news, a person’s wife lost her life due to COVID-19 vaccination and the senior lawyer alleged that the government is neither taking notice of the mishappenings taking place after a person gets vaccinated nor it is making the data regarding it public.
"No one from govt has come to visit us or order an enquiry into my wife's death.I still curse myself for persuading my wife to take the vaccine.I thought it would save us from the virus, but it killed her".
The govt is not monitoring adverse events from vaccine nor releasing data— Prashant Bhushan (@pbhushan1) June 28, 2021
After some time, Prashant Bhushan tweets that people including his friends and relatives are alleging that he is discouraging people from getting vaccinated. He writes that he is not against vaccination but he is certainly not in agreement with the promotion of universal vaccination with experimental and untested vaccines.
He tweeted, “A lot of people including friends & family have accused me of promoting Vaccine hesitancy, let me clarify my position. I am not anti Vaccine per se. But I believe it is irresponsible to promote universal vaccination of experimental & untested vaccines esp to young & COVID recovered”
A lot of people including friends & family have accused me of promoting Vaccine hesitancy, let me clarify my position.
I am not anti Vaccine per se. But I believe it is irresponsible to promote universal vaccination of experimental&untested vaccines esp to young & Covid recovered— Prashant Bhushan (@pbhushan1) June 28, 2021
Later on, he tweets that the healthy young people have more chances of losing their lives by COVID-19 vaccines rather than by COVID-19 as his tweet reads, “The healthy young have hardly any chance of serious effects or dying due to COVID. They have a higher chance of dying due to vaccines. The COVID recovered have much better natural immunity, than the vaccine gives them. Vaccines may even compromise their acquired natural immunity.”
The healthy young have hardly any chance of serious effects or dying due to covid. They have a higher chance of dying due to vaccines. The covid recovered have much better natural immunity, than the vaccine gives them. Vaccines may even compromise their acquired natural immunity.
— Prashant Bhushan (@pbhushan1) June 28, 2021
He also makes it clear in another tweet that he has not got vaccinated and he doesn’t even intend to be in the future as well.
For the record, I have not taken, nor do I intend to take any Covid Vaccine
— Prashant Bhushan (@pbhushan1) June 28, 2021
This angered the online community and soon they started lambasting the senior advocate. Here are some of the selected reactions:
What utter nonsense. 2nd wave has seen many young .. even those without comorbidities succumb to the virus.
Nobody is forcing you to take the vaccine.. but why do you want others to suffer due to your stupidity and unscientific mindset.And oh ..
You are not young.— shilpi tewari (@shilpitewari) June 28, 2021
Fewer than 1,200 of the 853,000 people hospitalized last month were fully vaccinated against the virus.
You are free not to take it but don’t mislead others as lives matter— Sudhir Mehta (@sudhirmehtapune) June 28, 2021
Very irresponsible statement .. Has something gone wrong with your mind
— Srinivas singer (@singersrinivas) June 28, 2021
Very good. This vaccine is designed only for humans.
— Dr Aishwarya S
(@Aish17aer) June 28, 2021
Arre bhaisaab kiss line mai aa gye aap. Vakalat kro na doctor mat bno.
Let doctors of india decide what is better for india.— Rajat Dua (@iamrajatdua) June 28, 2021
This is your wish and no one can force you. Its totally upto you sir.
— கபிலாà®·் மணிவள்ளி பீட்டர் பழனிசுவாà®®ி (@docikabi) June 28, 2021
Sir take 1 rupee and shut up with this nonsense unscientific view please. You are not just hurting India but the whole of humanity with this propaganda.
— वरुण
(@varungrover) June 28, 2021
Though taking vaccines r choice but for vaccines to work significant population must be vaccinated
u are free to express opinions but when you make damaging statements, kindly provide scientific data to back that.
You can demand state/scientific community to be more honest— ಕ್ರುಶಿಕ ಎವಿ/Krushika AV (@KrishKrushik) June 28, 2021
Your personal choice to take vaccine or not. But do not use social media to spread misinformation. There are many who have survived because of vaccines. All vaccines COVID or Non-COVID carry inherent risk of side effects.
— brucewayne (@freeion) June 28, 2021
hospitalization even if one gets the COVId after complete immunization. It's completely upto you whether you want to get immunized but you should definitely not be the one discouraging others to take the vaccine by sharing personal opinions. (2/2)
— Shreeja Agrawal (@shreeja123) June 28, 2021
Please don't. The nation cannot afford to waste two doses on you.
— Sridhar Joshi (@brahmmajoshi) June 28, 2021
What is your take in this regard? Do let us know.
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