China Says Its Wuhan Lab Deserves A Nobel Prize, Leaves Twitter Furious & Annoyed
The coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc almost in each country of the world and surprisingly the developed nations which had better medical facilities were also not able to handle the situation in a proper manner. Around 39 lakh people have lost their lives worldwide due to COVID-19, many people lost their jobs and many businesses had to shut down as they were not able to survive the COVID-19 lockdown.
In the beginning, it was said that COVID-19 originated because of the bats which were eaten by the Chinese, later on it was reported that the COVID-19 virus is man-made and it had been created in a Chinese lab which is in Wuhan.
However, the Chinese government has always denied these allegations despite the fact that the former American President Donald Trump was so sure about it that he never hesitated in calling this virus as Chinese virus.
While many nations of the world are demanding a proper investigation for ascertaining the source and nature of COVID-19 (whether it’s man-made or not), the spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhau Lijian has made a demand which has annoyed the whole world.
Zhau Lijian stated that just because the genome sequence of the lethal virus was first identified by the scientists of China, it doesn’t mean that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan or was created by Chinese scientists. He further added that the team at Wuhan Lab should not be slammed but they deserve to be awarded with Nobel Prize in Medicine for the research that they have done on COVID-19.
Soon Twitter went berserk as people were not able to believe that even such a statement can be made by the Chinese spokesperson. This is how netizens expressed their annoyance and anger:
considering they want the Wuhan lab to receive a Nobel prize for identifying the virus, you'd think they'd do a better job developing a vaccine to fight it
— MikJee (@SMikjee) June 23, 2021
Wuhan institute deserves Nobel Prize. Wait a min… for what?? For this
— Abhi (@Abby84_India) June 20, 2021
China demands Nobel Prize for its Wuhan Lab? Definitely Wuhan Lab needs to be nominated for the @NobelPrize for creating Covid 19 virus and unleashing pandemic on the world at large resulting in millions of deaths and wide spread destruction.
— Sanjiv
(@Sanjiv40551468) June 25, 2021
China says Wuhan institute of Virology should be given Nobel prize for medicine for discovering Coronavirus
If so, Honour Bin Laden
(@AshoksraoS) June 23, 2021
Nobel prize for Wuhan lab. The joke of the century. Which field. 𝗘𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰𝘀 for disruption of global trade or 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 for causing greater harm to human population worldwide as never before or 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲 for restricting every movement world wide. @RajeshAhujaa_
— Mohit Gupta (@mohitgupta1962) June 25, 2021
“China demanding Nobel Prize for its Wuhan Lab for the research on COVID-19.” How about an apology first? #WuhanLab #COVID19
— Suhas Doddamane (@DoddamaneSuhas) June 25, 2021
If Wuhan Lab in China deserves Nobel Prize for Medicine according to China; then ISIS deserves the Nobel peace prize too.
— Shining Star
(@ShineHamesha) June 24, 2021
Yes indeed. If Malala Yousufzai can get Nobel for peace, why not WUhan IV.. after all, it did do something revolutionary and reduced the Earth’s load by millions #NobelPrize #justsaying
— Yogini
(@linee_01) June 23, 2021
Nobel prize in destroying the world economy
Putting millions of people back into poverty. Killing millions of people.— Liberal lefty (@notacommie6969) June 21, 2021
Shocker for everyone & Height of Shameless : As world has been battling the ravaging pandemic & investigating the origin of coronavirus, the other hand China is demanding "Nobel Prize" for Wuhan Institute of Virology for its contribution to the research of coronavirus
— Rahul Jha (@JhaRahul_Bihar) June 25, 2021
China wale Nobel prize lene aayenge ki ghar jake dena parega ?
— AdiiTheManav (@itsmeAdii1221) June 24, 2021
If Wuhan Lab in #China deserves Nobel Prize; then Al Qaeda should be demanding Post-Humous Nobel Peace Prize for Osama Bin Laden.
— Abhi (@Abby84_India) June 24, 2021
I demands Nobel Prize for literature. I had written a 250 words Essay when I don`t anything about Technology in seventh class…
— Saket Jha (@IamSaketJha) June 25, 2021
Yes, if NOBEL PRIZE is awarded for creating a pandemic virus, then #WuhanLab deserves the lifetime achievement award. They are just teasing the world. #HaveSomeShame #China #COVID19
— Biswajit #7
(@biswa_87) June 25, 2021
Yes indeed… nobel is always awarded for graound breaking in their respective field….. Wuhan virus was and is a Ground breaking virus in the field of Virology….
Just accept it was manufactured in Wuhan lab and every country would recommend for the Nobel.— Samya Das Gupta (@samyaishere) June 23, 2021
What is your take in this regard? Let us know.
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