Pak PM Imran Khan Slammed For Saying, “Women Wearing Few Clothes Affect Men Unless They Are Robots”
The crimes against women are still a major concern all over the world but what is more shocking is that sometimes those people who are considered as the leaders of the society call women responsible for the crimes committed against them.

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Some of the serious crimes committed against women are rape, se*ual assault, molestation, etc. and every day many women all over the world become victim to them despite the fact that many countries have made stricter laws for such crimes. However, many times such crimes are not reported because women and their family fear of losing their respect in the society. The good thing is that there is a little change in the mentality of people and now they are coming out and reporting about it if something wrong has happened with them. But what is more hurtful is that there are times when espectable people of the society who have important positions hold the dressing style of women responsible for them getting raped.
We have heard many politicians making weird statements in regard to crime against women and recently, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has said in an interview that it is common sense if women don’t dress properly, it will certainly affect the men until and unless they are robots.
The video clip in which Imran Khan made this statement was shared by a Twitter user Reema Omer:
This is the interview
Earlier, PTI spokespersons argued the PM never attributed women’s dress to sexual violence but was speaking generally about pardah for both men and women
Here the PM leaves no room for any doubt (or spin)
A pity the outcry earlier had no impact on him
— Reema Omer (@reema_omer) June 21, 2021
Click here to watch this video directly on Twitter
Soon the Pakistan PM was defended by Dr. Arslan Khalid, his spokesperson on digital media. He slammed Reema Omer and stated that the part in which the PM talked about the kind of society we live in and how frustrated society is in terms of s*xual pleasure has been subtracted in order to give one-sided picture:
Again selective and out of context tweeting of what he actually said by subtracting the part where he talked about what kind of society we live in and abt the sexual frustration in the society.
— Dr Arslan Khalid (@arslankhalid_m) June 20, 2021
However, Twitterati went berserk and slammed Imran Khan for making such a statement. Check out some of the selected reactions:
Mr. PM should first address the men and ask them to lower their gaze no matter how a woman might be dressed. Any issues with trying to enforce this?
— Syed Ayaz Bokhari (@AyazB9) June 21, 2021
So you think that a woman’s dress choices are relevant to whether she is raped?
— Isaac Chotiner (@IChotiner) June 21, 2021
We can't all have imran's powers of self-control when we see a woman in a skimpy outfit
— Mirasi (@mirasi123) June 21, 2021
BUSHRA— 𝓛𝓪𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓷 لعلین
(@laaleen) June 21, 2021
This 69 year old man cannot now unlearn or overcome deep misogyny.
— Imran Ahmed (@ImranAKisan) June 21, 2021
I wonder where in Pakistan women where "skimpy clothes"? And which of the rape victims including kids were wearing skimpy clothes?
— HarisM (@haris030) June 21, 2021
Such a lame argument PM sahab gave here…with his logic if there is so much temptation in the society and these young people have "no where to go then this happens"..well then with the same argument should he allow night clubs run for those people?
He must stop victim blaming!— Sobiah Qureshi (@SobiahQ) June 21, 2021
Can I plz enlighten us how the children and specially the boys’ dress give temptation
so plz stop being apologetic to the crime
— Yasmin Faiz (@yasu_adv) June 21, 2021
Such derogatory comments comming from a PM of a country.
It's gives a free hand of Pakistani men's to involve in sexual activites like rape.
Shame On Pakistan PM.— Udbhav Agarwal (@AgarwalUdbhav86) June 21, 2021
What is your opinion on the statement given by the Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan? Do let us know.
The post Pak PM Imran Khan Slammed For Saying, “Women Wearing Few Clothes Affect Men Unless They Are Robots” appeared first on RVCJ Media.
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