Man Shares How Parents Should Raise Sons In A Twitter Thread & It’s Simply Bang On
The gender discrimination has been taking place in our society since ages and men have always been considered as superior to women. This trend is followed at every place, in every industry but the good part is that things are changing slowly for better. However, it will still take a lot of time to bring a big change in the mentality of people.

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Surprisingly, the gender inequality is something which starts from our houses where parents are biased towards their son and make him feel as if he is entitled to make his mother and sister work for him rather than doing even simple tasks at home, such as serving food, drinking water, keeping plates in kitchen after dinner, ironing his clothes, etc.
Parents need to change the style of bringing up their son and make their son and daughter feel equal to each other rather than giving preferential treatment to their son. In this manner, the son will be trained to treat all the women equally and it will also reduce the cases of domestic violence considerably as the husband will be more cooperative with his wife rather than being authoritative.
A Twitter user Mirza Arif Beg has choosen to talk about this important topic and he has come up with points which parents should teach their son from the beginning to make him a better human so that the world becomes a better place for women who have been bearing the cruelty or ill-treatment of men for many years now.

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Mirza has asked parents to make their son do tasks which are usually considered the duties of women or girls, such as sending them to kitchen for bringing food instead of serving them at the dining table and so on.
In a series of tweets, Mirza Arif Beg wrote, “Boys should be taught from a young age that they can’t throw tantrums at their mother if and/or when she cooks something they don’t like. Their entitlement begins right here and evolves into misbehaviour everywhere. It should be nipped in the bud. This is, of course, only one of the numerous things to be taken care of from the very beginning. Make them do things that are conventionally considered ‘feminine’. Make them go to the kitchen, don’t serve them food at the dining table, just don’t let them feel that women of the house are there only to serve them. The moment they get comfortable, women are doomed.”
Here are the tweets posted by Mirza Arif Beg:
Boys should be taught from a young age that they can't throw tantrums at their mother if and/or when she cooks something they don't like. Their entitlement begins right here and evolves into misbehavior everywhere. It should be nipped in the bud.
— Mirza Arif Beg (@Iammirzaarif) June 23, 2021
This is, of course, only one of the numerous things to be taken care of from the very beginning.
— Mirza Arif Beg (@Iammirzaarif) June 23, 2021
Make them do things that are conventionally considered "feminine". Make them go to the kitchen, don't serve them food at the dining table, just don't let them feel that women of the house are there only to serve them. The moment they get comfortable, women are doomed.
— Mirza Arif Beg (@Iammirzaarif) June 23, 2021
Twitter users agreed to his thoughts and this is how people reacted:
I was always told to eat whatever is cooked or starve. There was no room for negotiation and i am happy they did that
— R (@Navas_Fan) June 24, 2021
Boys and Girls should not expect their Mothers to cook food all the time. Many women have other Jobs and Careers.
— NO FARMERS NO FOOD NO FUTURE (@vidyadharana) June 24, 2021
. And they should also be taught to share the load from a young age, so they understand the efforts it takes to prepare food nd manage the kitchen.
— Suboohi (@subiism) June 23, 2021
You're so right. In my early teen I was like that, but when I was left home for higher studies, then I realise it. So now I'm proud to say that often I do help my bhabi and Ammi in kitchen.
— Naseem (@naseemakram100) June 25, 2021
As a young boy I threw a tantrum; mother threw a cast iron pan. Never a tantrum since then.
— Seafarer
(@capthss) June 23, 2021
Boys learn this entitlement from their male elders in the family. Ladies will come n pick their plate so they know that's the pattern. I have seen so many times girls in the family asked to pick plates and serve while same age male kid gets pampered like some privilege by birth
(@8theistpahadi) June 24, 2021
I admire your thoughts. The birth of such thinking is the initiative of a change, when the man starts standing with her in the interest of the woman, then the change is sure.
— Radha Basnyat (@radhao7) June 23, 2021
You can't teach them , you have to demonstrate by doing it. Kids learn what they see their parents doing
— Rupesh Mehta (@rupesh1983) June 25, 2021
Arrgh! The Raja betas!
Also apna joota-chappal-kapda khud manage karle, please.— فاطمہ (@ftmche) June 23, 2021
Nahh its not just tolerated and accepted but actually encouraged 'larkon k to nakhrey hotey hi hein na'
— Someone (@rzLost) June 24, 2021
And they should know how to cook- it’s a basic life skill for survival. Seriously, kitchen at home women’s domain and MasterChef are all men . Such disparity in social acceptance
— Prachi Pratap (@prachipratap) June 23, 2021
It’ll start when fathers/older men in the house participate properly in the household chores. That’s where the sense of entitlement comes from.
— Nilofer (@Nilofer_nh) June 23, 2021
Get your teen son to cook one dish/one meal a week.
And to do the laundry and clean the loos. We need to UNDO PATRIARCHY. Not adjust around it.#Modern
Word of the day.— BG
(@joBeeGeorgeous) June 23, 2021
Agree. Boys must be taught they are not superior, not entitled to special treatment, and, are equal to girls. It must be clipped before they reach the age of six. Patriarchy is created by society. A new paradigm needed.
— Ashis Basu (@BasuAshis) June 23, 2021
I think this starts with men themselves from family… once they do all this, kids obviously learn automatically that there is no such thing as feminism attached to household chores
— BadamiBilli (@shipra_im) June 24, 2021
Well, Mirza Arif Beg is bang on here! What do you think?
The post Man Shares How Parents Should Raise Sons In A Twitter Thread & It’s Simply Bang On appeared first on RVCJ Media.
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