Andhra Pradesh Govt Compulsorily Makes Colleges English Medium, Starts Debate On Twitter
There are not many jobs as of now as the country has already faced two waves of the coronavirus pandemic and the economy doesn’t seem to be in a good shape. However, things are slowly getting back to normal and hopefully jobs will also get generated in few months which will provide a sigh of relief to the unemployed people.

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When we talk about the jobs, it is a known fact that if a person has a good knowledge of English language and he is able to understand and speak English fluently, his chances of getting the job increases manifold. This is not only the case in India as a report released by the Cambridge University in 2016 has indicated that speaking in English is one of the top three main skills that the employers look in their prospect employees and it is something which has been noticed all over the world.
If that was not enough to make you believe this point, the India Skills reports of 2019 also keeps English speaking as one of the three top skills that the Indian employers look in the candidates. The other two skills which the Indian employers want to see in the candidates are quick ability of learning and adaptability.

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Now the Andhra Pradesh government has taken a step to increase the skills of students of their colleges as they have issued an order as per which all the undergraduate degree colleges whether government or private have to be made English medium and this order has to be implemented by the academic year of 2021-22.
Andhra Pradesh Government has decided to make 'English Medium’ compulsory across all government, private aided and unaided degree colleges in the state from the academic year 2021-22: Chief Minister's Office
— NDTV (@ndtv) June 15, 2021
This is certainly a big decision and will highly affect the education system of Andhra Pradesh as nearly 2.62 lakh students have taken admission in the colleges of AP and out of this, a huge number of 65K approx. students have taken admission in colleges which are Telugu medium.
Andhra Pradesh Govt has decided to make ‘english medium’ compulsory across all government, private aided & unaided degree colleges in the state from the academic year 2021-22: Chief Minister's Office
— ANI (@ANI) June 15, 2021
Twitterati is divided on this decision; while some people have praised it as they feel that it will increase the chances of getting good jobs for the youngsters, a number of others have slammed the decision as they feel that it is an insult to the mother tongue.
Here are some selected reactions:
Disrespect for mother tongue. Choice shld be left for students…
— SK (@KumarS4u) June 15, 2021
No. Next generation will be more dumb. He is expecting that teachers will suddenly switch to a language they dont know like magic. It will be English medium only in name.
— కార్తీకేయ | Karthik
(@karthikck31) June 15, 2021
Lol. So teachers will teach in new language which they themselves do not know
— కార్తీకేయ | Karthik
(@karthikck31) June 15, 2021
This is totally opposite to the need of the hour. We need to localise the education so that it can reach to the poorest of the poor. English can be thought as second language.
— Saket Pandey (@sakpand) June 15, 2021
There won’t be any Telugu educators or speakers after few years if this gets implemented.
— Bolo G (@dat_noiz) June 15, 2021
There is a proverb: Crow tried to walk like a Hans and in that course it forgets its own and began to hop like a frog. Experts say the initial education should be in mother tongue and the NEP 2020 also emphasizes the same. Is this man any expert educationist?
— mohd.ibrahim khaleel (@mohdibrahim729) June 15, 2021
What are the measures taken to upgrade teaching faculty in these colleges to enable them to teach in English medium? Nothing. Mindless acts to impress mass without proper plan. Idiots.
— Cryptoman! (@QuestionIt5) June 15, 2021
I have seen many Kannada/Tamil people fighting to protect their language & culture. Their Govts are giving employment benefits for students studying in mother tongue.
How shameless AP govt to ban Telugu mdm and ppl with no self-respect are supporting it.
— Nageswar Reddy (@NationalistSays) June 15, 2021
Great initiative @ysjagan.@AndhraPradeshCM..many ppl from Andhra who are good in technical skills don't go up the corporate ladder due to lack of English vocabulary. Some can't even get decent jobs even after PG
— Samuel Manohar (@democratsam007) June 15, 2021
Its a great step towards modern education system,
I think it should be implemented all over the country so that the whole country can connect with modern education system.— Vishwas (@vishwas_dtruth) June 15, 2021
This is a great Idea. At a degree college level people still expect to learn subjects in Mother toung? How they will get jobs if they are still learning in mother toung at their 18+ age?
— Pavan (@urstrulyGPK1987) June 16, 2021
many people can debate on the language thing but what they cannot deny is that 'English' is spoken in most of the countries … so if we want to go global then this is a must.
— kunal sethi (@kunsethi) June 15, 2021
What is your take on this matter? Do let us know.
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