This Kerala Shopkeeper’s Jugaad Technique For Social Distancing Has Impressed Shashi Tharoor

1:52 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The coronavirus outbreak has forced people all over the world to remain indoors as the disease is contagious in nature and in order to break the chain of this virus, the best option is to stay at home. Till now, more than 4.68 lakh people have been found infected with it while over 21K have lost their lives because of this lethal disease.

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If we talk about India, there are around 650 people who have been found infected while at the moment, 13 people have lost their lives. The whole nation is under complete lockdown till April 15 as the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reiterated that the best way to stop the transmission of virus is to stay at home. Earlier, PM Modi also emphasized on practicing social distancing because an infected person can easily pass on the infection to other people who are near him as it is contagious.

While the citizens have been asked to consider this lockdown as curfew, the Prime Minister and the chief ministers of various states have assured their people that there will be no dearth of essential commodities and they will be available in ample quantity. However, the leaders have also requested the citizens not to start hoarding commodities as it may result in creating a state of panic and unrest. While some states have ensured that essential commodities are home delivered to the citizens, several states have fixed the timings and duration for the ration shops, groceries shop and medical shops to open.

The customers and shopkeepers should ensure that there must be required distance between them to avoid any chance of catching infection but one Kerala shopkeeper has come up with an interesting and innovative idea which has served both the purposes – customer gets the commodity while standing at the required distance from the shopkeeper.

Shashi Tharoor took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and talked about this shopkeeper who has installed a pipe through which he passes on the commodity to customers.

The Congress MP posted the pic of the shopkeeper providing commodity to his customer with caption, “How to maintain physical distance between shopkeeper & customer while buying essential supplies — the Kerala way! #COVID19India”.

Till the time article was written, the tweet by the Congress leader garnered more than 18K likes while over 2.8K people retweeted it. Twitter loved this idea and netizens shared more ways to maintain social distancing while at the same time appreciating the method of the Kerala shopkeeper.

Here are some of the selected reactions:












What do you have to say about this innovative technique? Do you have more such ideas to practice social distancing? Share with us.

The post This Kerala Shopkeeper’s Jugaad Technique For Social Distancing Has Impressed Shashi Tharoor appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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