Air Quality Of Delhi Is Improving Significantly Among Corona Lockdown, Twitter Rejoices

6:52 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The capital of India, New Delhi is famous for many things including the high level of pollution but things seem to improve considerably in this lockdown period. If you remember, the pollution level of Delhi was so high that the apex court of the country called the city a gas chamber.

It was also reported that many people were falling ill due to the bad quality of air and it also included the youngsters and kids. The Delhi government came up with the odd-even rule as well but nothing satisfactory happened and the citizens of Delhi kept on suffering owing to the bad quality of air.

However, there is good news for Delhites since no vehicles are running on the road, the air quality index (AQI) of Delhi which has earlier crossed the mark of 300 is now in 60s or even less than that. As per the recent reports, the air quality index has come below the yellow zone and all credit goes to the lockdown imposed by the Indian government.

The Indian Twitterati celebrated this new development and here are some of the selected tweets:












The lockdown is the result of the coronavirus outbreak which has already taken lives of 22,000 people worldwide and more than 4,88,000 people have been infected with it all over the globe. The Indian government took this drastic step of lockdown because the number of cases in India was also increasing and it became necessary to keep people at home in order to break the chain of COVID-19 so that the transmission of this virus can be brought to an end. If we talk about India, the total number of infected cases here is around 650 while 14 people have lost their lives.

In such a scenario, the best way to combat the coronavirus is to stay at home as it keeps us safe from catching the virus considering the fact that it is contagious in nature.

But the citizens of Delhi definitely have something to rejoice as they can breathe good quality of air, even though for limited period only.

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