Unemployed Dentist Seeks “Very Fair, Beautiful, Very Loyal, Rich, Working Wife”; Gets Trolled

7:04 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Everybody has some points in mind when it comes to finding their Mr. Right or Miss Right and nowadays people don’t mind looking for their partners through online marriage portals or by giving matrimonial ads in newspapers. However at times, we come across some really weird ads in which requirements posted are pretty unrealistic and stupid.

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Recently, an Indian dentist from Bihar posted a matrimonial ad but now he is getting slammed by the Indian Twitterati for the strange requirements that he has posted.

The dentist wants a Brahmin working girl who must be very fair, beautiful, very loyal, very trustworthy, loving, caring, brave, powerful and rich. What makes it more shocking is the fact that the dentist himself is unemployed as he has written in the ad that he is presently not working.

The ad becomes weirder after the man adds more requirements, such as he wants his wife to be extremely patriotic towards the nation and she should posses a keen desire to increase the military of India. She should be an extremist but compassionate as well, should have sports capabilities and must be an expert in raising kids. Other than this all, he also wants the bride to be a good cook.

Take a look at the matrimonial ad posted in a newspaper:

The social media users found this matrimonial ad to be s*xist and derogatory towards women and they trolled the dentist in the most epic way.

Here are some of the selected tweets:












What is your take on this matrimonial ad? Let us know your views.

The post Unemployed Dentist Seeks “Very Fair, Beautiful, Very Loyal, Rich, Working Wife”; Gets Trolled appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/3bQBsn9

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