30-Yr Single Man Spent Rs 40000 To Find A Date By Advertising Himself On Billboard

12:25 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Marketing is undoubtedly pretty necessary for every business but do you know that it is as important for an individual too, especially if he/she is looking for a date? With the advent of various dating apps, such as Tinder, Happn, etc., it has become quite easy to find a date but sometimes nothing works for a person.

Something of this sort happened with a man named Mark Rofe who is from Sheffield and works in marketing. Mark is 30 years of age and is quite upset with the fact that he is single while his friends are entering the new phase of life by getting married.

Mark came up with an innovative idea in order to get a date. He took a billboard on rent in Manchester for marketing himself and paid approximately Rs 40,000 (£425) for this purpose.

He marketed himself as an eligible bachelor as the billboard read, “Single? Date Mark. This could be the sign you’ve been waiting for.”

Mark took to social media to make people know about his unique approach. He tweeted,

“The dating apps weren’t working, so I bought a billboard and set up a website to stand out and try get a date.

Help me out https://ift.tt/396NWoF #DateMark”

Till now, Mark has received more than 1000 applications and hopefully he will find a suitable date soon.

The billboard’s right side had the words, “Dating Mark. One man. One billboard. One mission.”

He has also set up a website www.datingmark.co.uk in which he has given his personal details.

He has also written that till now, he has kissed more than 3 girls.

Mark asked interested girls to apply to date him and at one fell swoop, he also asked for financial help so that he can get more billboards for marketing himself.

However, this idea was very much liked by netizens and they praised him for his unique approach.












What do you think of this idea of marketing using billboard? Let us know your views.

The post 30-Yr Single Man Spent Rs 40000 To Find A Date By Advertising Himself On Billboard appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/36QPBgw

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