“Dose Ka Itna Apmaan,” Says Twitter After Anand Mahindra Shares Dosa With Ice-Cream

7:55 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Dosa is one of the most loved snacks of south India but it has a huge fan following in other parts of India as well. While some love dosa with sambhar, few others love to have it with chutney and there are several people who want to eat this crispy dish with potato filling only. Whatever the choices are, dosa is traditionally served with sambhar and chutney and this dish has a separate fan base. But how will you react to know that there is a street vendor who is serving dosas and idlis with ice-creams?

Recently, the chairman of Mahindra group, Anand Mahindra took to Twitter and made a tweet about a Bengaluru street food vendor who is serving dosa with ice-cream and chocolate syrup. Manjunath is the name of the street food vendor and here is what Anand Mahindra tweeted,

“Not a fan of ice cream dosas, but full marks to this gentleman’s inventiveness. In fact Indian street vendors are an inexhaustible source of innovation. All the product design teams in our Group should regularly visit vendors & draw inspiration from them! #whatsappwonderbox”

Click here to watch this video directly on Twitter

While the business tycoon has praised the street food vendor, Twitter users are not much pleased with this innovation and some even went on to the extent of calling it as disrespect to dosa and wanted the vendor to be punished. However, there were also few who admired the idea and in the video also, people were flocking at the counter of Manjunath in order to buy dosa with ice-cream. Manjunath also told that he started making dosa with ice-cream after a kid came to him and said that he would onlt  have dosa with ice-cream no matter what.

This is how Twitterati reacted to the ice-cream dosa:












Well, nowadays people don’t mind doing experimentation with food as we have already seen Maggi with milk or tea with oranges and a lot more.

Would you like to eat this dosa with ice-cream?

The post “Dose Ka Itna Apmaan,” Says Twitter After Anand Mahindra Shares Dosa With Ice-Cream appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/2TesXdh

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