Chennai Software Firm Gifts 5 Employees BMWs Worth Rs 1 Crore For Their Dedication & Loyalty

6:57 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

There is no denying the fact that everybody loves to get appreciated and awarded for the hard work that they do for the organization in which they are employed. But in the recent past we have gone through some very tough times due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it won’t be wrong to say that if in today’s times you have a job, you are surely a lucky person.

However, there are some people who have got luxury car BMW 530d as a prize of their commitment and dedication towards their company.

The 5 employees of Kissflow Inc, Chennai-based Software Company, were awarded with BMW cars worth Rs. 1 crore as the CEO Suresh Sambandam wanted to honour them for their loyalty, commitment and dedication. A ceremony was organized in order to felicitate these employees but they came to know about it only just couple of hours before the event started.

During the ceremony, Suresh Sambandam revealed that these 5 employees stayed with him in the toughest of times when others kept on leaving him in search of better options. He further said that during the COVID-19 outbreak, the investors were not even sure whether Kissflow would survive or not but the good news is that they have returned all the money to investors and now Kissflow Inc is a privately fully owned company.

Here is a video in this regard:

The CEO Suresh Sambandam also talks about a very unique aspect of his company. He says that in his company, the employees don’t have sick or casual leaves, there is no attendance system and if they don’t want to come and work, they can stay at home and work.

Wow, what an organization and what a great work culture! Everybody must be willing to work here and this is something every company should take a note of!

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