Mom Shares Pic Of Her Son Eating Aaloo Parantha With Fork & Knife, Twitter Calls It Offensive

7:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

We Indians are known for our love of spicy and curry food and also for eating by digging our hands in the food as we feel that if you want to get the real taste of a dish, you should eat it with hands. This is something which seems strange to the foreigners as they are habitual of eating with fork and knife which keeps their hands clean. However with the changing times, many Indians are also using fork and knife especially while eating non-Indian dishes.

But there are some food items which we Indians feel should be eaten with hands only such as aaloo parantha with butter or curd. However Gurinder Chadha, the director of the movie “Bend it like Beckham” was left confused and surprised when she saw her kid eating aaloo parantha with fork and knife.

She took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and posted a photo of the same with caption, “Oh wow is me! How on Earth did I raise a child who insists on eating Allu parantas with a knife and fork! Fiteh Moo!”

Soon Twitterati started reacting and while some supported the kid as they also eat in the same manner, there were many who said that it is all about preference and few were of the opinion that eating aloo parantha with fork and knife is a punishable offence.

Here are some of the selected reactions:
















How do you like to eat your favourite aaloo parantha? Have you ever used fork and knife for it?

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