Going Petal Crazy? The Best Flowering Plants You Can Add To Your Collection

8:19 PM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

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For many centuries, people have been cultivating flowers primarily for beautification and have also been used in medicine, food, cloth dyeing, and many more. Many studies have presented the positive benefits of growing flowers at home, eliciting positive social behavior, and helping to have a better quality of life.

For those who would want to become green thumbs and adding beauty and life to your homes, or who want to add more to their already thriving collection, here are some of the best flowering plants that you can grow indoors or in your backyard:

Morning Glory

Known for being an easy-to-grow flower, the morning glory is a cult favorite among green thumbs. Morning glories are effortless to grow and can take over a flowerbed or trellis in no time, with its blooms sprawled all over any surface it can crawl upon.

Its flowers vary in colors – from its signature blue hue to white, lavender, pink and red. You can see beautiful blue morning glory flowers at their most glorious bloom during September, emanating a sweet scent as it shows off its beautiful petals.

For plant care and an ideal growing environment, morning glories can be grown indoors by allowing its vines to trail across a pole or have it sprawl over a wall or surface that you want to be covered up. They can also be let loose on a flowerbed to make a beautiful carpet of blooms, alongside your other flowering plants.

This plant is not fussy when it comes to what type of soil it prefers to thrive in. However, it survives well in well-drained, moist, and not-too-acidic ground. It can also soak up full sunlight but also grows well in shaded areas. The morning glory can be a great all-rounder plant that you would surely enjoy cultivating.

Peace lily

Known among plant lovers as one of the easiest-to-grow plants with low maintenance and highly adaptable, the peace lily or Sphathyphillum earns a worthy spot in this list. An evergreen plant that thrives either in tropical, woodland, or even indoor house settings, the peace lily is an ideal plant that you can add to your green home.

It produces off-white flowers that bloom in the early stages of summer and continues to do so all year-round. Its luscious big leaves are also distinct and perfectly envelopes its buds before bloom.

The peace lily thrives perfectly well indoors and grows happily in well-drained, not too soggy soil. Overwatering is an enemy of this flowering plant, so you should water this plant with caution. It can also soak up sunlight for a limited time and would much rather prefer being kept in a partially shaded area.


Sage is most commonly known as a kitchen staple, as it sits among other aromatic herbs such as mint. However, it is noteworthy to know that it is more than what meets the eye, or its function instead, as its flowers also place it among ornamental plants that you can add to your home.

Being a perennial plant, sage dons velvety greyish-green leaves and can also have its own lovely set of purple, blue, white, or pink flowers. You can choose to grow it in a pot or your herb garden as an instant resource for your cooking needs, or keep it as a lovely display to bring beauty and a touch of earthiness into your house.

The best time to plant sage is during the early days of spring or right before fall rolls around. It loves to soak up sunlight and should be planted in well-drained soil. Overwatering may lead to root rot and other plant deficiencies.


The jasmine plant is quite a showstopper, known for its flower’s exotic and signature scent, and has been used as a perfume component, tea, and other fragrances. As a member of the olive family, jasmine has flowers that are often recognized for their dainty white color and bell-shaped waxy petals.

The jasmine is also a symbolic plant that has been cultivated widely in South and Southeast Asia. Hence it is used in wedding and religious ceremonies. Jasmine is also considered beneficial to health. Tea infused with jasmine contains high levels of antioxidants and helps reduce risk of high blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.

Jasmine plant care is easy and can last in your home for years as long as it is given the right amount of care. Jasmine thrives well under full sunlight and thrives in well-drained soil. Overwatering, however, is a no-no as it can result in root rot.

Crown of Thorns

The crown of thorns is considered a real gem among flowering plants, which withstand even the most extreme temperatures during the hot season. Its name is attributed to a legend that this plant, along with its flowers, was used as the thorny crown of Jesus, placed upon his head during his crucifixion.

Hailing its origins from Madagascar, the crown of thorns has been kept as a houseplant and used for ornamental display due to its brightly colored flowers that range from bright red, orange, yellow to pink. Its blossoms usually grow in clusters.

Growing a crown of thorns plant is as easy as ABC as it can perfectly thrive in direct sunlight and survive minimal watering. When planted outside, it can sit well in a sandy rock garden, as its usual counterpart succulent plants.


Keeping your home lively with these flowers would be a wonder not only to you, as a starting green thumb or an already seasoned plant enthusiast, but also to your whole family. With the right amount of attention and loving care, these gorgeous flowering plants may even last in your home for generations.

The post Going Petal Crazy? The Best Flowering Plants You Can Add To Your Collection appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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