Indian Railways Adds Rs 50 As Service Charge In Bill For Rs 20 Tea, Twitter Goes WTF

5:57 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The inflation is increasing at a very high rate in the country and prices of each commodity whether it is edible item, electronic goods, FMCG, etc. is touching sky. However, there is still one thing which is available to Indians at a little less price and it is almost a necessity for majority of us. Yes, you guessed it right! We are talking about our loving chai which we can obtain from the roadside tea stalls for Rs. 10 or a little more, depending upon the items added in it.

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Tea is indispensable for majority of Indians who can have it any time because it not only refreshes but also serves as a get-together reason for the whole family. Even while travelling also, we prefer to have tea at regular intervals so that our mind and senses can work in a proper manner but drinking tea while travelling in a train proved too costly to a traveler.

As per an article in a leading daily, a passenger of Bhopal Shatabdi Express who was travelling from Bhopal to Delhi ordered a cup of tea in the train which was priced at Rs. 20. However, the passenger had to pay Rs. 70 for one cup of tea because the Indian Railways charged Rs. 50 as service charge in the bill.

The passenger shared the photo of the bill on social media platforms and soon people started slamming the Indian Railways for looting public in this manner. Here are some selected reactions:

However, the Indian Railways made its stance clear on this matter; it clarified that as per the circular passed in 2018, if a passenger doesn’t book meal in advance while making a reservation, they have to pay Rs. 50 extra as service charge if they order coffee, tea or food during their travel.

Check out the image of the circular:

So from now onm make it a point to book your meals in advance while making reservation otherwise be ready to pay Rs. 50 extra.

What is your opinion in regard to the whole episode? Share with us.

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