Delhi Woman Shares Cab Driver Tried To Cancel Ride For This Reason & We Can’t Blame Him

2:57 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Monsoon has arrived in the northern India and after facing wrath of heatwaves, citizens are now enjoying rainy season with open heart. Rains can make you feel romantic, ecstatic, lazy and what not, especially when you have faced a very hot summer season. Moreover, how we can forget to mention that for the Indians, rains are incomplete without pyaaj ke pakode and adrak ki chai. However at one fell swoop, it is also true that rains can hinder your plans for the day as it may reduce your desire to work to a great extent and it can also be problematic if you have to go out of house during rains.

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Nevertheless, people still need to go out for work despite the fact that they don’t want to and in such situation, taking public transport can be really troublesome and this is why many people prefer to hire cabs for travelling.

Ria Kasliwal also booked a cab on July 21 but the response that she got from the driver was really hilarious as the weather was pleasant and her driver was not in the mood to drive in such a good weather. Ria shared the screenshot of the chat that she had with the Uber driver as when she wanted to confirm whether he was coming or not, he wrote, “Mann nahi karta” (I’m not in the mood to come).

She shared screenshot of the chat with caption, “So, this happened as it poured in Delhi yesterday! Lol”

It soon attracted the attention of netizens and this is how people reacted:











Nobody can blame the driver for this attitude because almost everyone will feel like this and Delhi is certainly hot in the summer season!

The post Delhi Woman Shares Cab Driver Tried To Cancel Ride For This Reason & We Can’t Blame Him appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media

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