Twitter Floods With Hilarious Memes As Students Demand Canceling Board Exams Due To COVID-19

8:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The governments of various states are coming up with new guidelines for controlling the coronavirus pandemic as the records of the last year are getting broken and COVID-19 cases in huge numbers are getting registered daily in India. The country is experiencing the second wave of COVID-19 which is more harmful than the first one and the cases are increasing at a faster rate. What is more worrisome is that the new variant of the virus has also been confirmed in many states.

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While the situation in Maharashtra is worst, situation in Madhya Pradesh, New Delhi, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, etc. is also not good as of now and things are slowly turning uglier all over the country.

Students have also been affected adversely during the pandemic as their studies got affected and now many students from Maharashtra have started raising their voices for cancelling or postponing the offline Board examinations of class X and XII as it will increase their chances of getting infected with the lethal virus. Recently we gpt to know that 60 students of IIT Roorkee and some students along with staff of The Doon School, Dehradun, have got infected so in such a scenario, the parents will also not like to see their kids going to school for examinations.

The education minister of Maharashtra, Varsha Gaikwad has already conducted a meeting with the top officials of the education department and has discussed the matter of promoting class IX and XI students into the next class without exams but the decision in this regard will be taken in a couple of days.

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On the other hand, CBSE is going to carry out the class X board exams offline from April 23 till May 20, 2021, while class XII offline board exams are to be conducted from April 29 till May 21, 2021.

Twitterati didn’t miss the chance of having some fun and many memes and jokes got flooded in regard to the cancellation of offline board exams. Here are some selected reactions:
















Should offline exams be cancelled or not according to you? Do let us know your opinion in this regard.

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