Man Orders Rs 300 Lotion, Gets Bose Wireless Earbuds Worth Rs 19K Instead. Amazon Says ‘Keep It’

5:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Online shopping was already popular and now after the coronavirus pandemic, it has gained more momentum as people have started avoiding going to the market because of the fear of catching the lethal virus. However, the online shopping also has its side effects, the most common being getting something else instead of what you ordered. Something similar has happened with a Twitter user whose name is Gautam Rege and Twitter handle is @gautamrege.

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A couple of days ago, he took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and posted a photo of a packet of washing powder with Bose wireless earbuds. In his tweet he wrote that he ordered a skin lotion worth Rs. 300 from e-commerce firm Amazon but he received Bose wireless earbuds worth Rs. 19,000. What was more surprising was the fact that when he narrated the whole incident to Amazon, they asked him to keep it as the order is non-returnable.

This is what he tweeted: “Bose wireless earbuds (₹19k) delivered instead of skin lotion (₹300). @amazonIN support asked to keep it as order was non-returnable!”

Well, if this was not enough, Amazon even refunded the amount of skin lotion to the Twitter user as the lotion was not delivered.

However, one Twitter user talked about why Amazon is not willing to correct the goof-up. He told that the cost of logistics has been borne by Amazon but the cost of the product is on the vendor. This means that the vendor of Bose Wireless Earbuds will be bearing the loss and not Amazon while on the other hand, Amazon will still be in profit even after refunding for skin lotion because they will charge penalty on the vendor of skin lotion for discrepancy in the order delivery. In simple words, Amazon will earn profit in any case.

Twitter went crazy after this tweet and this is how people reacted:












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