5 Reasons To Watch “Your Honor”, Sony Liv’s New Crime Thriller

3:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

“Your Honor”, Sony Liv’s new crime thriller, has been winning hearts since it went on air. The web show is a remake of an award-winning Israeli show, Kvodo, and has been done to perfection.

The plot of the show revolves around an old judge whose ethics are put to test when his 18-year-old son is involved in a hit and run case. Things go haywire as the further investigation takes place and the secrets are spilled out.

Here are the 5 reasons why we feel “Your Honor” should be a must on your binge-watch list:

1. The gripping plot

The plot of the show is a captivating one. It keeps you engrossed as to what will happen next? Will a character take a certain decision? Will this happen? Will that happen? And each and every time you end up being surprised and applaud silently the wonderful things that are on display.

2. Brilliant performances

Jimmy Shergill is the powerhouse of the show who plays the role of a judge and makes the character feel completely real. There are literally no flaws in his depiction. Besides Jimmy, Mita Vashisht is the one who gives complete justification to her role as a police inspector. The other supporting actors have also played their part to perfection.

3. Amazing writing

The show has been written with great accuracy and precision. The dialogues are coherent with the characters and the scenes. There is a perfect blend of hard-hitting monologues and intriguing conversation. Writing is indeed an underrated aspect of this show.

4. Direction and shooting

The show has been shot in Ludhiana and one can sense the exact vibes the show wants to depict. The camera angles used for all the scenes feel quite natural and you cannot find one single loophole in the plot. Director Eeshwar Nivas has done an amazing job.

5. Capturing feelings and nuances

The show portrays a battle of ethics and feelings about right and wrong. It tingles the philosophical side of your brain through the absorbing screenplay.

Thus, consider all the above reasons and spend some time on this wonderful experience.

The post 5 Reasons To Watch “Your Honor”, Sony Liv’s New Crime Thriller appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/3eoZjLI

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