A Firm Comes Up With Haldi & Chyawanprash Flavored Ice-Cream For Immunity. Twitter Goes WTF

5:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The coronavirus pandemic has left us in a state of shock as we can see that the developed countries which had world-class medical facilities were also not able to save many of their citizens from this lethal virus. Now everyone is looking forward to increase their immunity and focusing on including those food items in our diet which can enhance our immunity. The best part about Indian cuisine is that the basic ingredients used in our meals such as haldi, black pepper, cloves, etc. are very good for our health and increasing their use will also make us strong.

However, what will you say if we tell you that now you can also have haldi flavored ice cream? Sounds unusual but it is true that such ice-cream is available in some parts of the country and the company which is producing claims that it will increase the immunity of its consumers. It has been launched by a company based in the Indian state of Karnataka and it has also launched a chyawanprash flavored ice-cream.

While the haldi flavored ice-cream has turmeric along with pepper and honey, the chyawanprash flavored ice-cream has dates and amla along with honey. However, you will also need to spend a little more for these healthy ice-creams in comparisons to other ice-creams as they will be approximately 30 percent costly than other ice-creams.

Twitterati was not able to believe it and some of them also expressed their unhappiness on the launch of such ice-cream flavors. Here are some of the selected reactions:











Which one are you going to try?

The post A Firm Comes Up With Haldi & Chyawanprash Flavored Ice-Cream For Immunity. Twitter Goes WTF appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/3exiFOF

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