Google Removed These 24 Apps Affected With Joker Virus From Play Store. Do You Have Any Of Them?

2:40 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

We love to use the Internet and make online transactions but while doing so, we also need to remain alert because the android platform has been facing problems due to malware on a regular basis.

Presently, the android phones are having problems because of the Joker virus which basically depends on the ads that attract users for buying premium subscriptions and then it steals the data regarding their personal information.

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The Joker virus has been downloaded in many apps and Google has found 24 such apps which are affected with it. In order to stop this virus from spreading more, Google has removed these 24 apps from the Play Store.

However, the problem will not be solved completely as these apps have been downloaded almost half a million times which means that even after getting removed from the Play Store, these apps will still be available on phones used by the public.

The Joker virus is seriously very harmful for the personal data of the users as it will make them sign for the premium subscription, will steal all their data regarding SMS and contacts along with the device information, such as IMEI and serial numbers. So if you have any of these apps from the below list, remove them from your phone as soon as possible.

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Check out the list:

1. Advocate Wallpaper

2. Age Face

3. Altar Message

4. Antivirus Security – Security Scan

5. Beach Camera

6. Board picture editing

7. Certain Wallpaper

8. Climate SMS

9. Collate Face Scanner

10. Cute Camera

11. Dazzle Wallpaper

12. Declare Message

13. Display Camera

14. Great VPN

15. Humour Camera

16. Ignite Clean

17. Leaf Face Scanner

18. Mini Camera

19. Print Plant scan

20. Rapid Face Scanner

21. Reward Clean

22. Ruddy SMS

23. Soby Camera

24. Spark Wallpaper

After removing the app or apps, carry out a complete factory reset in order to remove any harmful content if it is still remaining.

The Joker virus has affected 37 countries of the world and India is one of them. The other countries are USA, UK, UAE, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Argentina, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraine.

Keep safe, Happy Surfing!

The post Google Removed These 24 Apps Affected With Joker Virus From Play Store. Do You Have Any Of Them? appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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