Armaan Malik Demands Better Management & Medical Facilities In Concerts After KK’s D*mise

4:57 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The 53 years old Indian singer Krishnakumar Kunnath aka KK may have departed from this world but it is true that he will always be alive in our hearts because of the beautiful songs that he sang in various languages. However, the manner in which KK p*ssed away has left us with many questions which need to be answered as soon as possible otherwise we may lose another gem which we certainly can’t afford.

KK was in Kolkata on May 31 as he performed over there in a college fest at Nazrul Mancha but as per the eye witnesses and the videos available, it is quite clear that the singer was very unhappy with the management because the air-conditioning facilities were not up to the mark. It is being said that the closed auditorium was over-crowded, KK was sweating badly, he was wiping himself with towel again and again but kept on performing for his fans despite feeling uneasy.

After returning to his hotel, he felt heavy and uncomfortable, he was rushed to hospital but doctors declared him de*d on arrival. As per the sources, the initial findings of the post mortem suggest that the singer lost his life due to cardiac arrest and as fans held the organizers responsible for this unfortunate incident, the police has also registered a case of unnatural d*th in this regard.

While majority of Bollywood celebs are paying tribute to the singer, few including Armaan Malik are raising their voices regarding the better management of live concerts. Armaan Malik has demanded that medical and emergency services should be made available in the concerts as he has himself seen and performed in shows where the singers are not provided with proper facilities but they still perform as they don’t want to upset their fans.

Here is what Armaan Malik tweeted, “Concerts in India need better mgmt, medical & emergency facilities. I’ve seen and been part of far too many shows that don’t serve the right conditions for us to perform in. But yet, being the artists we are, we continue with performing coz we don’t wanna disappoint our fans.”

Some Twitter users also echoed with the views of Armaan Malik and this is how they reacted:










We certainly agree with Armaan Malik and hope that the management and organizers will take care of these things in future. RIP KK.

The post Armaan Malik Demands Better Management & Medical Facilities In Concerts After KK’s D*mise appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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