India Accidentally Firing A Missile At Pakistan Sparks A Hilarious Meme Fest On Twitter

8:57 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The two Asian neighboring countries India and Pakistan haven’t been on very good terms since their independence and the relations further deteriorated in the last few years. On many occasions, the Pakistani leaders have talked about being a nuclear power nation and tried to scare India despite the fact that India is way powerful and more equipped than Pakistan in terms of nuclear power.

On March 9, 2022, India mistakenly fired a missile at Pakistan but the good thing was that the missile had no war-head and no one was harmed. In the statement released by the Defence Ministry, it was stated that during the routine maintenance, an accidental misfiring of a missile took place due to technical malfunction. It further stated that the missile had fallen in Pakistan and it is a matter of great relief that no one has been harmed but the matter is deeply regretted. A high-level court enquiry has also been ordered in the matter by the Government of India.

As per Pakistan, the missile flew 100 kilometers in to their airspace at the height of 40K feet with the speed 3-times more than that of sound. While Pakistan has also decided to investigate the matter, it has warned India of unpleasant consequences if any such incident happens in the future again.

As the news of this incident came into limelight, the social media users started sharing memes and jokes on it. Consequently, the micro-blogging site Twitter sparked with a hilarious meme fest and here are some of the rib-tickling ones that you just can’t miss:
















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