Rohit, Pant, Saini & Gill In Trouble After Indian Fan Spots Them, Pays Their Bill & Tweets About It

3:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

There is no doubt that cricket is equivalent to religion for Indians and many fans are so crazy that they can do anything for their favourite cricketers.

Recently, an Indian fan who went to a restaurant in Melbourne with his wife spotted Rohit Sharma, Rishabh Pant, Shubman Gill and Navdeep Saini also over there and as a lovely gesture towards the Indian cricketers, the fan paid their bill which was AUD 118.69 (INR 6683).

The name of this fan is Navaldeep Singh and he shared the incident in a series of tweets on the micro-blogging site Twitter. In his first tweet, he posted a video in which all the four cricketers can be seen.

Navaldeep was not quite hungry but still he ordered some food so that he could sit over there and see the Indian cricketers.

He also shared the photo of the bill of the players which he paid while the cricketers were not aware about it.

When the players got to know that their bill had been paid by Navaldeep, Rohit Sharma requested him to take money as this didn’t look good. Rishabh Pant hugged Navaldeep and also said that if he did not take money, they would not allow to get them clicked with him. However, Navaldeep refused to take money and all the cricketers got their photos clicked with him and his wife.

In fact, Rishabh Pant who is known for his wittiness thanked Navaldeep’s wife for the lunch before leaving.

This certainly made the day for Navaldeep Singh but there was news that the Board of Control for Cricket In India had started an investigation in the matter of possible breach of bio-bubble by the cricketers after they met a fan. It is being said that BCCI is reviewing the video and other evidences and it seems that these cricketers will have to get tested for COVID-19 before entering the bio-bubble again.

Navaldeep also issued a clarification in which he stated that he wrote Pant hugged him in excitement but in reality, Pant never hugged him, adding that social distancing was maintained and the Indian cricketers broke no protocol. Here is what Navaldeep wrote, “Clarification – Pant never hugged me it was all said in excitement we maintained social distance all thru:) Apologies for miscommunication @BCCI  @CricketAus @dailytelegraph”

The Indian team will be flying soon for Sydney where they will be playing the third test match against Australia starting Jan 7, 2021.

The post Rohit, Pant, Saini & Gill In Trouble After Indian Fan Spots Them, Pays Their Bill & Tweets About It appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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