“Skip Intro” Trends After PM Modi Addressed India In A Very Long Speech In Shuddh Hindi

4:55 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The Indian government decided to impose lockdown of 21 days starting March 25 as the number of coronavirus patients started increasing in the country. The lockdown has been extended two times and presently India is under lockdown till May 17. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also been appearing on the national television in order to let the Indian citizens know about the important information, updates and the steps that the government is taking to combat the lethal coronavirus pandemic.

Yesterday, PM Modi again addressed the Indian citizens and he emphasized on the need of being vocal about the local as they helped us in the time of crisis. PM Modi’s intention is to develop local brands and make them so strong that they can compete at the international level also. He also stressed on the need of becoming self-reliant so that we can become strong enough to face any crisis in the future as well.

PM Modi also announced that an economic package of Rs. 20 lakh crore will be released in order to help in lifting the economy which has been adversely affected due to the coronavirus outbreak. However, PM Modi didn’t give any details of the economic package as it would be divulged by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

Click here to listen to the speech of PM Narendra Modi

Many people felt that PM Modi should have talked more about the economic package rather than engaging in motivational talks. People also had some problems with him using tough words of the Hindi language as not everyone is well-versed with Hindi. What’s more, many were of the opinion that the speech was pretty long (around 34 minutes) and wished to have a “Skip Intro” button so that PM Modi just could have talked to the point. Soon “Skip Intro” started trending on the micro-blogging site Twitter and meme makers got back to their job with some of the most hilarious reactions:
















What is your take on PM Modi’s speech? Let us know.

The post “Skip Intro” Trends After PM Modi Addressed India In A Very Long Speech In Shuddh Hindi appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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