“My Plans Vs 2020” Trended As Netizens Shared Memes On How Corona Destroyed Their Plans

4:13 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Almost every person in the world chalks out some plans or goals which he wants to achieve in a particular time period or in a year. You also must have planned some goals to achieve or accomplish in the year 2020 but it seems to have turned out to be the worst year of our lives. This is a time when everyone is scared, shocked and confused as far as their future is concerned because the coronavirus pandemic has not only taken many lives but destroyed the economies of many nations of the world as well.

More than 323K people have lost their lives to this disease and around 49 lakhs have registered as coronavirus infected patients. What makes this disease more fatal is the fact that there is no vaccine available in the market for this virus and the best way to save yourself is to remain indoors as much as possible and practice social distancing whenever you go out.

While the whole world is busy thinking how their lives will shape up after the impact of coronavirus is reduced, Twitter users are busy using their creativity in letting people know how they planned their year 2020 and what is actually happening.

Here are some of the selected tweets:
















We all should make a habit of following some precautions such as wearing mask, washing hands regularly, sanitization, practicing social distancing, etc. and these precautions should be taken even when the things start getting back to normal.

What are your plans for 2020 and how do you relate to this trend?

The post “My Plans Vs 2020” Trended As Netizens Shared Memes On How Corona Destroyed Their Plans appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/3e0IDtk

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