#Safehands To Dalgona Coffee, Here Are The Major Challenges That Went Viral During Coronavirus

12:07 PM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

The coronavirus pandemic may have forced people to sit inside their houses as it is the best way to save ourselves from the virus transmission but it hasn’t affected the creativity of people, especially netizens.

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Nowadays, many online challenges are being taken up by individuals from various countries in order to counter the boredom that they are feeling while missing the outside world. In this article, we are going to talk about some of those social media challenges:

#SafeHands Challenge

This challenge was taken up not for fighting boredom but for fighting the novel COVID-19 virus. It was a social media campaign which was launched by the global organisation World Health Organisation (WHO) in order to promote personal hygiene practices. Many celebrities took part in this challenge and showed public how to wash your hands with soap properly for 20 seconds.

Saree challenge

As soon as this challenge got viral, the social media networks were flooded with the photos of women wearing a saree. In this challenge, a woman posts a pic of herself draped in a saree and she challenges her friends and family members to post an image of them in a saree.

Not only women but men also started sharing their photos in dhoti and also started tagging their friends and relatives for the same.

Quarantine travel challenge:

In this challenge, a person has to post two photos, the first one should have been clicked during a trip and the other has to be the recreation of the first one at home. The challenge is being loved by people all over the world and some are also using props in order to showcase their creativity while taking part in the challenge.

#Untilomorrow challenge

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Until Tomorrow.

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In this challenge, a person has to like someone’s photo which is posted under the hashtag #untiltomorrow or #onlyuntiltomorrow. After that, he will get a message to post his funny or weird pic under the same hashtag and it should be visible to others for minimum 24 hours.

Dalgona coffee challenge

People are loving this challenge as Dalgona coffee is easy to make and looks great as well. Many online users have taken part in this challenge and posted the photo of the Dalgona coffee prepared by them.

Quarantine pillow challenge

In this challenge, a person has to make dress from their pillows and post their photo wearing the dress under the hashtag #quarantinepillowchallenge. Some have also shown their fashion sense by using belts, pearls, etc.

Tic Tac Toe challenge with pets

This is quite a weird challenge on TikTok as people are playing tic tac toe with their pets. While some are playing on behalf of their pet, few others are keeping treats on the spot which they want their pet to pick.

#Meat20 challenge

In this challenge, the users only need to post their photos which were clicked when they were 20 yrs old.

Have you tried any of these challenges or any challenge which has not been covered here? Share with us.

The post #Safehands To Dalgona Coffee, Here Are The Major Challenges That Went Viral During Coronavirus appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/2zi6tlb

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