Netizens Shower Love As Arunabh Kumar Announces Engagement With Girlfriend Shruti Ranjan

9:49 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

We all are spending times at our homes enjoying the content made by digital creators. This lockdown period has made us realise the importance of family, art, and many more things and recently netizens expressed their love for TVF founder Arunabh Kumar after he tweeted about engagement with girlfriend Shruti Ranjan.

For those who don’t know, the couple has been together for more than 7 years and their love has been getting strong with each passing day.

Talking about their relationship, Arunabh says,

“We met at IIT Bombay where Shruti was pursuing her MSc in Environmental Science and it was not our love for acting that broke the ice but the discussions we had on Environmental Science and Meditation. She started dating me when I had no money, no work and no one knew me but she was always standing beside me. After, being diagnosed with partial blindness in my right eye because of depression, I actually started seeing things more clearly and what mattered to me the most. While I was racing against my treatment to create comic books and mentoring the team at TVF, we both decided to make our bond official. I am grateful to God and my teams at Indusverse & TVF that the completion of my comic books, success of my company’s latest Show Panchayat and my engagement, all have come together.”

Even Mukti Mohan congratulated the couple

See how some of the online users reacted to it:







We congratulate both for this and wish them a great future ahead.

The post Netizens Shower Love As Arunabh Kumar Announces Engagement With Girlfriend Shruti Ranjan appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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