This Is How Much A Woman From Kansas City Earns, Just By Cuddling.

8:56 PM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

We often tend to find people compromising with the kind of work they really want to do. People due to financial need and support agrees to do any work, as long as it is paying good.

So, it will be wonderful if we get people doing what they really love, what they always wanted to do. And the perfect will be that job which pays well and satisfies your dream also.

Want to know someone who is earning a good sum by doing just what she wants? Then meet Robin Stine, who is doing her dream job, where she is enjoying all of it immensely.

Robin Stine is professional caregiver, she gives cuddling and hugging therapies to people in need, and earns huge amount for that. Yes, you read that right.

This lady from America’s Kansas City, gives hugs and cuddles and makes almost $40,000 a year. She charges around $80 per services, per hour. These sessions goes on approximately for four hours.

People contacts her through her official website ‘Cuddlist’. All her clients are single, some are divorced, unmarried, widowed or even is with multiple partners. Some even are happily married also.

Stine strictly says that these sessions are platonic and hence are solely for relieving stress. Her clients are fully clothed too. This release a bonding hormone, Oxytocin which makes them feel happier and secure.

So, as she herself was a prey to fibromyalgia, she truly believes in her service and hopes the best for her clients. So, what is your opinion? You are thinking of switching? Aren’t you?

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