Google Asks Why Indians Are Proposing To Google Assistant, People Have The Funniest Replies.

4:41 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

When Google launched their assistant it was an instant hit. Now, it is even more popular than ever, because of its efficiency.

Recently, Google India asked the users a funny question. They used a meme format to ask why Indian users are asking Google Assistant to marry them.

Check out the link that Google India posted on their official twitter site, using the meme, ‘We really really…’.

Here are the hilarious responses that followed. People even posted where they are asking the Google assistant to marry them, and her reply. Even some said it is because she is cute and responds immediately.













So, what is your question for the Google Assistant?

The post Google Asks Why Indians Are Proposing To Google Assistant, People Have The Funniest Replies. appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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