BBC Interviewer Asked New Zealand PM When She Is Getting Married. Twitter Slammed BBC Mercilessly

2:22 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

One question that people love to ask to an unmarried woman is when she is getting married, as if there is nothing more important in this world for a female other than marriage. The social media reacted in an angry manner when the same question was asked to New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

The 38 years old New Zealand PM is currently touring England and Europe and after attending meetings with the leaders of UK, she also appeared in a BBC News Interview.

The interviewer was BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire and Jacinda answered a number of questions related to many important topics but what made people furious was the question that Victoria asked to Jacinda in regard to her marriage.

Victoria asked Jacinda whether she has any plan to propose marriage to her long time partner Clarke Gayford. Jacinda was surprised a little at this question but she handled herself beautifully and laughed out before answering that she wouldn’t do that. When she refused, the interviewer tried to question her feminism but Jacinda handled that also in a polite manner by saying that she is a feminist but she wants him to feel the heat of trying to ask that question as she doesn’t want to let him off the hook.

Here’s the video:

Click here to watch this video directly on Twitter

Let us tell you that Jacinda has a daughter with Clarke who is a presenter of a fishing show in New Zealand.

She was also asked whether she feels guilty for not being able to give more time to her daughter to which she said that she is a mother, not a super woman.

Twitterati were quite miffed with the type of journalism done by BBC interviewer as Jacinda is PM and there are many other topics to talk about with her.

Social media slammed BBC and Victoria for being so nasty. Here are some reactions:















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