Viral Photo Of Paan Or Gutka Stain Inside Plane Sparks Twitter With A Meme Fest

5:57 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

There is no denying the fact that eating tobacco is harmful not only for health but also for cleanliness of our cities as many people spit in public places, leaving a red stain which is really disgusting and unacceptable. Though the central government and the state governments are emphasizing a lot on the cleanliness as PM Modi started the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan some years ago and we got some good results as well, there are still few cities where people are in no mood to listen and they keep on spoiling surroundings of public places by spitting and leaving red stain.

However, one person crossed all the limits and went to such an extent that he left his autograph (spit stain) on the inner wall of an airplane and it is really yuck.

A Twitter user Awanish Saran shared the photo of the spit stain in the airplane on the micro-blogging site Twitter with the caption, अपनी पहचान छोड़ दी किसी ने. (Someone left his mark behind).

The tweet soon went viral and online users left no chance of expressing themselves; while some had fun by means of hilarious tweets, several others demanded punishment for that traveler as it is not difficult to find out who travelled earlier on that seat. There were also few who expressed their unhappiness over the fact that people forget basic etiquettes so easily. On the other hand, some netizens availed themselves of the opportunity to take a dig at the Bollywood actors Ajay Devgn, Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar who have promoted a tobacco brand.

Check out some of the selected reactions:

This is certainly heights and it’s high time people learn basic etiquettes if they really don’t want to get banned from traveling by air. What is your opinion in this connection? Share with us.

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