Girl Asks Mom To Find Her A Boyfriend, Twitter Goes Crazy On How Her Mom Roasts Her With Swag

8:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

A mother is certainly one of the most precious gifts given by the God to the humans as she plays an important role in shaping the future of her kid. While there are some mothers who choose to be a little strict as they don’t want to spoil their child, there are some who like to be quite gentle and prefer to teach by making the kid comfortable. Nevertheless, there comes a time when mothers become friends and kids love to share each and every thing with their mother.

Though you may be very frank with your mom, there are rare chances that you will find it easy to talk about your boyfriend or girlfriend with her. But you will be surprised to know that some people in this world are so frank with their mother that they talk with her on any topic including boyfriend or girlfriend, just like this girl whose Twitter handle is @heer_karnani.

Heer has shared the screenshot of her WhatsApp chat with her mother in which she asks her mom to find a boyfriend for her and her mother gives a savage reply.

Here is the tweet:

Now everybody was confused as to who Dino is and you might also be wondering the same so later on Heer answered in response to a tweet that Dino is her doggy.

Undoubtedly, the mother steals all the thunder when she asks Heer why she needs a boyfriend when she has Dino and she again pulls leg of her daughter when Heer asks mom if she is okay. But the ultimate moment was when mother wrote ‘Swag’ in the chat after which the mother garnered a huge number of admirers on the social media networks.

Here are some hilarious reactions:












This girl is really lucky to have such a cool mother!

The post Girl Asks Mom To Find Her A Boyfriend, Twitter Goes Crazy On How Her Mom Roasts Her With Swag appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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