Twitter Asked People To Roast 2020 & A Hilarious Meme Fest Began

7:19 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Sometimes we face such unpleasant situations or circumstances that we just want to forget them forever and year 2020 has been so devastating that many of us would not like to even remember it in the future. While the coronavirus pandemic made this year a nightmare for us, it was well supported by the forest fires, locust attack, earthquakes, etc.

The economies of even the developed nations crumbled as all the businesses were shut down, all sporting events were either cancelled or postponed, the film industry got affected severely and schools, colleges, cinema halls, gyms and all such places where there was a possibility of crowd gathering were closed. In 2020, not only many people lost their lives but a number of individuals lost their jobs and their financial condition went for a toss.

More than 1.73 million people have lost their lives worldwide because of the COVID-19 outbreak and it won’t be wrong to say that the situation is still not in complete control. The whole world is unlocked now, people are still getting infected and some people are still losing their lives, however the good thing is that the recovery rate is far better than earlier.

Some nations have started vaccination for COVID-19 and people are quite hopeful that 2021 will be better than 2020. With only 7 days remaining in the year 2020 to end, the micro-blogging site Twitter asked Twitterati to roast 2020 and soon people started roasting in their own style.

Here are some of the selected reactions:
















While the whole world is happy that vaccination has started for COVID-19, a new variant of coronavirus has appeared in UK, South Africa and Nigeria. What is more saddening and frightening is that this new variant is more harmful than the original coronavirus.

We hope that the world gets freed from this lethal virus soon and 2021 gives us all the happiness which we missed in 2020. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed!

The post Twitter Asked People To Roast 2020 & A Hilarious Meme Fest Began appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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