This Teenager Cancelled Her Graduation Party, The Reason Behind It Will Melt Your Heart

1:43 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Leanne Carrasco a young girl from Houston, Texasis ruling the hearts of everyone on social media for cancelling her graduating party for a Nobel cause.

Leanne threw a special graduation party not for her friends but for the people in need and fed them pizza. Leanne organised an event at Star of Hope centre for the homeless women and the children. For the centre’s 400 residents about 95 pizzas were ordered by Leanne. She also provided them with personal hygiene bags packed with toothbrush, toothpaste, hand wipes and deodorants.

Leanne’s friends also helped her to organise the beautiful event. Carrasco who has volunteered in the shelter for several years she said this was very important to organise an event for the needful people. As everyone is not blessed with the same opportunities.

Leanne told in an interview with FOX11, I want to be a blessing and show these beautiful women and children that no matter what, someone does care.

Leanne will pursue the nursing course from Briar Cliff University to give back something to society.

See how twitter reacted to it:




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