Elderly Maharashtra Couple Finally Gets Their Home After A Long Fight For Justice

3:52 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

An old couple was thrown out of their own house by their only son and daughter in law. After fighting for 3 years for justice the couple has finally got their house back. For three years Brijesh Soni, 71 and his wife Chamelidevi, 69 lived on the road on the mercy of strangers.

As they had nowhere to go and no money, Brijesh used to spend his entire day at platform number 10 of Borivali station while Chamelidevi sat outside a Shiva temple nearby. Some relatives helped them and gave them shelter but only temporarily.

When asked why don’t they file an FIR, the daughter Seema said that they don’t even have money to eat, how could they bore the expense of court case. “Everyone was advising us to file a case in High Court, but we didn’t even have money to eat, how would we have arranged money for a lawyer?” said Seema.

But the couple left no stone unturned seeking justice and went to various government offices with their daughter. During one of those visits, someone suggested them to contact the collector’s office in Bandra, which can execute the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.

The post Elderly Maharashtra Couple Finally Gets Their Home After A Long Fight For Justice appeared first on RVCJ Media.

from RVCJ Media https://ift.tt/2xdH5sq

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