Twitterians’ Conversation Over “Tea” Is The Best Thing Going On The Internet Today

12:09 AM pervez akhtar 0 Comments

Conversation over tea is an old thing now, Twitter is busy have a conversation about tea. Yes, when a Twitter user posted about how long a tea bag should be dipped in the tea, a debate started online where everyone had their own recipe of a perfect tea. And trust me when it comes to tea, the matter is serious.

A twitter user Joel Golby tweeted, “Simply can’t trust people who don’t leave the tea bag to steep in the cup for a bit. you think you can get enough depth of flavor just by squashing it a lot with the back of a teaspoon? the arrogance. the ego. leave the room and walk away from it.”

That’s when people decided to tell him an ideal time to keep the tea bag in the cup and some even shared their perfect tea recipe. Here are some of the best replies to Joel’s tweet.











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